Live-Online Training: N188,125.00
Classroom Training: N 279,500.00
3 - 4 participants: 5% discount
5 or more participants: 10% discount
(Available also for Customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Justification for the Programme
This is a signature programme for the development of career civil servants and other public sector managers. It is designed to serve the future development of the public service and its renewal process.
Significant changes are in the offing in the management of the public service. This is dictated by inevitable changes occurring in the country's political, social and economic landscape and places significant requirements upon the public service to be responsive. In fact, in line with international developments, the agenda for change is evolving, broadening and deepening at Federal, State and Local Government levels.
Course Contents
Categories of Civil Service Activities
- Policy
- Advisory
- Operational.
Public Sector Leadership in Difficult Times
- Signs of difficult economic times
- Signs of difficult political times
- Leading teams through a period of limited resources
- Radical changes in service delivery
- Issues of morale and productivity
- Opportunities for positive change.
Strategic Thinking in Public Service
- The current strategic issue in Nigerian governance
- How the idea of strategy in government has been changing
- Strategic thinking in the public policy processes
- Being strategic in the context of emergent public service delivery
- Exploring the plausible future state of affairs
- Managing a public sector strategic initiative.
Shaping the National Policy Agenda
- The relevant processes
- Problem identification
- Alternative policy selection
- Capturing various interest groups, influences and agendas -
- politics in Policymaking
- experts
- election-related actors
- the media
- other interest groups
- Budgetary consideration
- Technical feasibility
- Consensus and coalition-building.
Commercialization Approaches
- Dwindling Funding driving the search for alternative solutions
- Conflicts of Equity vs Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness in public sector services
- A random walk through profit centered agenda
- The search for quantifiable outcomes in public sector services
- Facilitating change processes associated with commercialization
- Human Resource development agenda for successful commercialization.
Financial Performance in the Administration of the Public Sector
- Planning, budgeting, budget monitoring, and evaluation
- Internal control framework
- Auditing
- Procurement management.
How to Improve Public Service Performance
- Developing the skills needed for working in a political environment
- Tools for tackling the financial challenge
- Budget management skills
- Collaborative working coaching and leadership models.
Drivers of Public Service Ethics
- Personal and Institutional ethical climates
- How the society views ethics
- The difficult ethical issues in today's public service
- Pursuing ethical fitness using philosophical principles
- Problem-solving and decision-making tools
- Guidelines for evolving improved ethical culture of government.
Transforming to the Public Sector of the Future
- Designing Public Service for a Digital World - the Take of Accenture
- Delivering on the customer promise - the Take of Price Waterhouse Coopers
- Winning work in the Public Service of the future - the Take of UNDP.
Creating a Change Agenda
- The transformation challenge
- Transformed leadership values
- Service delivery transformation
- Cost reduction
- Public service ethos
- Unions recognize the reality of the new agenda.